Research #1
One of the research topics i am doing is acceptance vs. tolerance. I chose this topic because i feel it is a big issue in our society and how students in THIS school foolishly joke about way too often.
As i was researching i found that one or many reasons that causes acceptance and intolerance issues between nations or individuals is that racism is use as a weapon against each other.
My source : here's what it states :
"Racism is the belief that characteristics and abilities can be attributed to people simply on the basis of their race and that some racial groups are superior to others. Racism and discrimination have been used as powerful weapons encouraging fear or hatred of others in times of conflict and war, and even during economic downturns.Racism is also a very touchy subject for some people, as issues concerning free speech and Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights come into play. Some people argue that talking about supporting racial discrimination and prejudice is just words and that free speech should allow such views to be aired without restriction. Others point out that these words can lead to some very dire and serious consequences (the Nazi government policies being one example)." And this is not just a issue in society HERE but as well as in Europe, The middle east, and some parts of Asia. This devastates trade partnership international relationships and influences industry to make fewer products and forcefully go on strikes until they have retained their respect in place of human rights despite of colors. The mentor text i plan on using "Terrible things" by Eve bunting.
MOMA Trip - Extra Credit Assignment due March 20
5 years ago